Three weeks later than last spring Testing my nerves Would you possibly sleep through an entire spring? Even through the turmoil of the times You fulfill your commitment Precious hope I poured, scanning every Hillside Lessons from Odysseus Zero moisture yet you still decide to Burst through the crust Do you thrive off of wind? The celebration of truth Truth always exists in the raw And prevails Rallying against bitterness and anger With your fuzzy lavender cheeks Now my smiling hope switches Hope that you always remain valuable For none other than your simple beauty Reigning more important than all the Gadgets of the world Your little gift of wildness In an evermore tame landscape Never stop flourishing and amazing Then when overwhelmed I can choose To be overwhelmed in thoughts of you.

Shih-Tzu at our heels

I’m not going to tell you what to think

If you’re awake enough, you’ll run the other way of that drink

You won’t hear it; you’re numb to its excess

I’m not here to impress, but to bless

Just a friend here to remind us

To be deliberate in how we move, think, and express

The downpour of distractions will wash away our trickling sands

Then focus comes willy nilly if it even lands

But if we mold our day in focus and purposeful ordeals

Then distractions can only be a Shih-Tzu at our heels.


As our bark caressed companions

Here to live, provide for, sustain

Fully worthy, relevant, necessary

Helping another as shade, fuel, calming

To be the oxygen for

With beauty of just being there to inspire

Sure, have your seasons of dormancy and rest

But then return, invigorated and spartan-like

Withstanding the raging environment

Harsh as it may be

Determined to be

The salt-seasoning that draws

The God flavors

From deep within the soil

Revealing His light

Radiating from our limbs

It really would be

No other way

Let me tell you

This is why you are here.

Wary of the culture

I savor the culture, with all its artistic flavors to find oneself

Be wary of the culture; it’s vested only in itself

I mean I applaud you, for you know exactly what you want

You want it all, comprised of hoarders, takers, mockers, so nonchalant

With camera crews and microphones trailing to back you up

Tv, social media, get nasty with that meme and I will lap it up

Grease dripping from my chin

You whisper to me with that crooked grin

Pulled like a puppet you direct me to the lie

Instant gratification, short-lived, then off to the next quick-fix stimuli

Where more is greater

Bigger is better

But never enough

Don’t work to earn it

Buy it first then figure out a way to pay for stuff

You expect me to have all four drawers open, isn’t one enough?

Tell me everyone’s doing it, what am I, defective?

Maybe from your perspective

But I want to feel the song, feel the words

I am the song, I am the words

This is it; if I am not deliberate

Caught-up in your chaos I will miss it

Yes there are times I choose to run to feel the breeze and survive 

But I must contemplate, reminisce, and dream to thrive

I must opt to be countercultural and listen to my breathing

Only then when my time comes will I be celebrating not grieving. 

Thoughts while sleeping on ice

Oh the calming that water brings to the soul

Pulls all life in, magnetized to its core

I remain on your surface

But then only touch your surface

If I could just journey your depths

Fathoms, leagues, experience all that you are

The compound just as readily takes your life

Or takes you places

Whether its flakes of crystalline solid

Gliding over this sea of fluffy down

With 210mm of cambered joy

Or supported

By its hexagonal geometric strength

Feeling the solid beneath flex and groan

Its behemoth muscles

Expanding as temperatures tumble in the darkness

All experiences are best when au naturel, fresh,

Free to do its own thing

Unprocessed, undyed, unartificiated

The Creator never disappoints with

A raw experience within His creation

This wintry flavor coupled with

The orange glow and pop and squealch

Of a wood stove

Crammed with tree branches as fuel


As fire and ice come together, worlds apart

Water with all its forms

You shape me for who I am

I’m comprised of you

Thoughts of you consume me

I will always consume you

Wandering for you until the end.

Winter Solstice Musings

During the longest of nights

Wintry darkness makes my senses more keen

My mind goes

To another place

I’ve never allowed myself to remember this well

My thoughts clank and squeal

As a teapot works on the stove

I wanted to be a naturalist

Didn’t want anything money could buy

Early on I knew less was more

Seek simplicity

In rolling a rotted mossy log

Find serenity

Along a whispering shoreline

And always return to beauty

From a sublime canyon overlook

To avoid the unlived life

The clicking of the teapot picks up its pace

Nothing is more dismal

Than cold men wandering, unable to find

Their true occupation

Nothing is more beautiful

Than vibrant men in their calling 

Surrounded with encouragement 

The teapot fidgets and dances in place

A cacophony of drum rolls and cowbells

It’s no coincidence winter solstice arrives

Just on time

Before the New Year

The new you

For deep dealing

Intense inkling

Brain brewing

Do not side-step this opportunity

Prepare for epiphanic metamorphosis

The teapot releases its full flurry

Seizing my quest

I must return

From my speaking heart

Wild Native Seeds Come With Me

Native seeds come with me

Embed yourselves.  Ride along

I’ll do what I can to further

Your family name

When I wade through a plain

Of big bluestem or indiangrass

I’m drawn to extend both arms wide

Grasp your fruited heads

With stems in the crotch of every finger

But only when you are ready

Maturity is at your pace not mine

You release so easily

As if waiting, wanting, wishing, pleading

I would come along

As if I were meant for you 

And you for me.

Oh goatsbeard

You sentinel on the hillside

We’ve exchanged smiles many times

As I sauntered by, I remember

Your glowing warm sunny face

Beaming, streaming, rays of brilliance

Spewing from your cheeks

I will forever remember your joyous youth

Now today I stop

Your fullness is white with wisdom and age

Your time has come

The afternoon gusts were meant for you

And you for them

But I cannot contain myself

I must feel significance

As part of your being

I take and coddle your seeds and plumes 

As sacred ashes.  Held high, palms to the sky

A gust generated deep within my ancient bowels

An energy transfer, for you to set sail

Aloft, you rollercoaster up, then parachute 

A mellow descent down the ravine

God has prepared a place for you.

There’s yet another indigenous forb

I don’t have the best of relations with

I am the problem, not you

I will likely seek counseling for my attitude

American licorice

On a less than perfect day, you caught a ride 

Without asking.  I took it the wrong way

Instead of purposeful acceptance 

I began to rip your burs from my shirt

And scoff the more I found of you; no time for you

This poem is my therapy, now I see

You reveal me to me.  Caught up in all my plans

No time for your clingy demands 

So next time you embrace my favorite wool

I will not only think of my significance

But my insignificance too

All explained by interactions 

With wild native seeds.

Ghostlet of the Prairie

A tiny whiskered huntsman covers the wintry landscape

A roaring windblown leaf

Dusting across the hush

A no talk, all action mindset

This ermine remains contrastless


Except for the pair of black beady eyes

Chased by a black-tipped, trailing tail,

An undulating bottle fly barely able

To keep up with the perpetrator

A heroin injected accordion, pistoning his way

Across the meditating snowflat

Vanishing into a mound of fieldstones

Prairie ghostlet so easy to miss

Was it all just a dream?

Then peak-a-boo, peak-a-boo, peak-a-boo

Shutter speed, rhythmic bobbing

Peering above ancient orange peel and lead gray lichens

In those split seconds, he is taking in more of you

Than you of him

Designed beyond your comprehension.

A miniature lighthouse scanning

That one second, seems an eternity to him

Milliseconds to most

Blasting headfirst, dashing towards buffaloberry patch

Head cocked, surveying the base, then scaling up

Up within the monkey-bars of branches and thorns


Into desiccated sage leaves and glossy red berries

Then all too soon, nonchalantly

Reappears, drops to the ground

With a puffy sparrow body still in torpor

To never wake again.

Bounding four by four tracks now disfigured in the snow

With new found package, and a crimson trace

Just three lonely specks on single snow granules

Enough to reveal sure death

For a sparrow only contains so many specks.

Ol’ short-tail continues his frozen prairie traverse

Bounds higher pitched with more purchase

But less efficient—still ping-ponging

Proud chin held high

Straining to see through the faceful

Of minute feathers

With every inhaled breath avian-flavored

Enough to elicit a tiny weasel mouth

To salivate profusely

Need to get to dining safety now

Eventually diving sparrow first

Into his secret lair


Now only your thoughts remain

Numbed by the simple breath of the frozen wind

Whispered through the lonely ice-glazed grasses.

Your Clan

This here is your clan

You are of creation

With all created things

The membrane between you

And the natural world

Is onion-skin thin

Only you control your separation

Only you keep the distance

What are you afraid of, the cold?

Heartless machines around you

Will continue to fail you

Void of the spiritual

Never-ending drive to create as Gods

Consumed by the monetary, even deeper

Engulfed with cost-benefit analysis

Inflexible, forced through paralysis

True freedom is waiting

The wild have this

They have always been the sustainable

We seek

A battle cry to simplify

Don’t be the pollution

Be the solution

A self-healing revolution

Immerse yourself in the calling woods

Cleanse yourself in the speaking waters

Climb to the restful limb

Call to the waiting ear

Reach to the shimmering heavens

This here is your clan.